Saturday, March 17, 2007 (11:23AM) WH Spicher, RA Weber, KD Broy + Record * The djembe is a Remo Paulo Mattioli 14-inch, Fiber Skyn 3 Mondo Mo-Fa Head by Remo * Setup: - Track 1: Overhead: B-5 through BlueTube, no tube, flat, reversed polarity. - Track 2: Side Head: B-2 Pro through BlueTube, no tube, flat - Track 3: Bottom: B-2 Pro, omni, pad, direct, flat (forgot to try flipping phase). - Record three tracks simultaneously. - Photos: front_left_a.jpg front_left_b.jpg front_right_a.jpg front_right_b.jpg rear_right_a.jpg close_up_a.jpg * One file per syllable: - djembe_doe.seq - djembe_doe_mute.seq - djembe_doon.seq - djembe_doon_mute.seq - djembe_goe.seq - djembe_goe_mute.seq - djembe_goon_1.seq - djembe_goon_2.seq - djembe_goon_3.seq - djembe_goon_4.seq - djembe_goon_mute.seq - djembe_pa.seq - djembe_pa_mute.seq - djembe_raw.seq - djembe_rhythms.seq - djembe_scrape.seq - djembe_slap.seq - djembe_slap_offhand.seq - djembe_ta.seq - djembe_ta_mute.seq * Record some rhythms to calibrate mapping. - 3:59 PM Done. Saturday, December 15, 2007 (5:35AM) WH Spicher + Take a stab at building the sample kit in Battery 3. * Battery 3 is intuitive and flows easily. In 45 minutes I have defined two syllables with three mics and twelve velocity zones EACH! - Secrets: > In PT12 use Ctrl-Shift-F3 to export wave file. Parse on bass mic. > Name the file so that an alphabetical sorting arranges all samples for that syllable and microphone together. That is, the last character is the velocity. For example, djembe_doon_1_micb_a.wav djembe_doon_1_mics_a.wav djembe_doon_1_mico_a.wav These refer to the first set of doon, the first sample, and the bass, side, and overhead mics, respectively. > In Battery 3, use the browser to locate the samples. Drag & drop the samples onto the cell in ascending- velocity order. > In the mapping tab, select Edit|Stack Zones. > Wah-lah! - If options|load multiple samples into one cell is ON, I can drag ALL the samples at once! Plus, I can drag & drop from the windows explorer. - Select all three mic cells to learn the key in one step. Now Battery 3 is the easy part. The real work is parsing. > 7:04 AM Goon, Doon, Goe, and Doe are done--90 minutes! > All six major syllables defined (Pa and Ta added). Two hours work! - Add a little level and bass boost to the goon and doon bass mic and limiting and compression to the mix. > battery3_scrn_a.png > The kit is currently 35Mb. > Also, the six major syllables are mapped to the first two groups of three black keys. That is, goon = F#0 goe = G#0 pa = A#0 doon = F#1 doe = G#1 ta = A#1 Sunday, June 15, 2008 (10:34AM) * Add some more syllables. - Parse in Powertracks. > djembe_goe_mute.seq -> take two > djembe_ta_mute.seq Difficult to find well-damped hits. Use markers to help sort. Handy A-B technique: click a marker, press space to play & stop, click other, cycle. > djembe_scrape.seq -> 3 samples > djembe_slap.seq > djembe_doon_mute.seq - Copy djembe_a.kt3 from the song, Came The Light, rename djembe_b.kt3. - Edit in Battery 3. > Copy doon cells for muted doon hits to preserve effects settings. Same idea for goe and ta. - Save djembe_b.kt3 and WAV files to > The kit is now 36Mb. Monday, June 16, 2008 (3:55PM) * I hear timing problems in Came The Light. Some of the files were parsed sloppily with 20-ms of silence before the impact. Clean them up! - Method: > Drag three mic files into audacity from Windows Explorer--e.g., djembe_slap_omic_f.wav djembe_slap_smic_f.wav djembe_slap_bmic_f.wav Sort by date for quick access. Copy these into a backup subfolder just in case. > Drag-select across the three tracks to have all three selected with the same start and stop times. Move the selection start accurately. > Trim outside selection > Choose File|Export Multiple... Split files based on tracks (the track name is automatically the WAV file prefix). Name files using label/track name. Overwrite the original files. See trim_starts_a.png - I found one hit with 50 ms of lead-in! Do ALL the files! - I am ashamed to see how much clipping I allowed in the recordings. Clipping is at 80% full scale, so it is analog and more forgiving, but still--how did we set the gains again? - 346 WAV files done!!! Update