Saturday, March 17, 2007 (11:23AM)
                                    WH Spicher, RA Weber, KD Broy
+   Record
    *   The djembe is a Remo Paulo Mattioli 14-inch, Fiber Skyn 3 Mondo
        Mo-Fa Head by Remo
    *   Setup:
        -   Track 1: Overhead: B-5 through BlueTube, no tube, flat,
            reversed polarity. 
        -   Track 2: Side Head: B-2 Pro through BlueTube, no tube, flat
        -   Track 3: Bottom: B-2 Pro, omni, pad, direct, flat
            (forgot to try flipping phase). 
        -   Record three tracks simultaneously. 
        -   Photos:
    *   One file per syllable:
        -   djembe_doe.seq
        -   djembe_doe_mute.seq
        -   djembe_doon.seq
        -   djembe_doon_mute.seq
        -   djembe_goe.seq
        -   djembe_goe_mute.seq
        -   djembe_goon_1.seq
        -   djembe_goon_2.seq
        -   djembe_goon_3.seq
        -   djembe_goon_4.seq
        -   djembe_goon_mute.seq
        -   djembe_pa.seq
        -   djembe_pa_mute.seq
        -   djembe_raw.seq
        -   djembe_rhythms.seq
        -   djembe_scrape.seq
        -   djembe_slap.seq
        -   djembe_slap_offhand.seq
        -   djembe_ta.seq
        -   djembe_ta_mute.seq
    *   Record some rhythms to calibrate mapping. 
        -   3:59 PM Done. 

                                Saturday, December 15, 2007 (5:35AM)
                                WH Spicher
+   Take a stab at building the sample kit in Battery 3. 

    *   Battery 3 is intuitive and flows easily. In 45 minutes I have
        defined two syllables with three mics and twelve velocity
        zones EACH! 
        -   Secrets:
            >   In PT12 use Ctrl-Shift-F3 to export wave file. Parse
                on bass mic. 
            >   Name the file so that an alphabetical sorting 
                arranges all samples for that syllable and microphone 
                together. That is, the last character is the velocity. 
                For example,
                These refer to the first set of doon, the first sample,
                and the bass, side, and overhead mics, respectively.
            >   In Battery 3, use the browser to locate the samples.
                Drag & drop the samples onto the cell in ascending-
                velocity order.
            >   In the mapping tab, select Edit|Stack Zones.
            >   Wah-lah! 
        -   If options|load multiple samples into one cell is ON,
            I can drag ALL the samples at once! Plus, I can drag & drop
            from the windows explorer. 
        -   Select all three mic cells to learn the key in one step. 
            Now Battery 3 is the easy part. The real work is parsing.
            >   7:04 AM Goon, Doon, Goe, and Doe are done--90 minutes!
            >   All six major syllables defined (Pa and Ta added).
                Two hours work! 
        -   Add a little level and bass boost to the goon and doon 
            bass mic and limiting and compression to the mix. 
            >   battery3_scrn_a.png
            >   The kit is currently 35Mb.
            >   Also, the six major syllables are mapped to the first
                two groups of three black keys.  That is,
                        goon   = F#0
                        goe    = G#0
                        pa     = A#0
                        doon   = F#1
                        doe    = G#1
                        ta     = A#1

                                    Sunday, June 15, 2008 (10:34AM)
    *   Add some more syllables.
        -   Parse in Powertracks.
            >   djembe_goe_mute.seq -> take two
            >   djembe_ta_mute.seq
                    Difficult to find well-damped hits. Use markers
                    to help sort. Handy A-B technique: click a marker,
                    press space to play & stop, click other, cycle.
            >   djembe_scrape.seq -> 3 samples
            >   djembe_slap.seq
            >   djembe_doon_mute.seq
        -   Copy djembe_a.kt3 from the song, Came The Light, rename
        -   Edit in Battery 3.
            >   Copy doon cells for muted doon hits to preserve
                effects settings. Same idea for goe and ta.
        -   Save djembe_b.kt3 and WAV files to
            >   The kit is now 36Mb. 
                                    Monday, June 16, 2008 (3:55PM)
    *   I hear timing problems in Came The Light. Some of the files
        were parsed sloppily with 20-ms of silence before the impact.
        Clean them up! 
        -   Method: 
            >   Drag three mic files into audacity from Windows
                Sort by date for quick access. Copy these into a backup
                subfolder just in case.
            >   Drag-select across the three tracks to have all three
                selected with the same start and stop times. Move the 
                selection start accurately.
            >   Trim outside selection
            >   Choose File|Export Multiple...
                Split files based on tracks (the track name is 
                automatically the WAV file prefix). Name files
                using label/track name. Overwrite the original files.
                See trim_starts_a.png
        -   I found one hit with 50 ms of lead-in! Do ALL the files!
        -   I am ashamed to see how much clipping I allowed in
            the recordings. Clipping is at 80% full scale, so it is
            analog and more forgiving, but still--how did we set the
            gains again? 
        -   346 WAV files done!!! Update