In January, 2005, the worship leader, Eric, put out the schedule. I noticed my name with the listing "electric guitar" and said, "But I don't play the electric guitar...<think>...yet." I had not owned an electric for 25 years (though I took my lessons on one), but I knew that the electric plays a very important role in contemporary music. If I could master the instrument, my ability to contribute to the worship effort would double. And my experience on the 414 had given me a gentle preparation.
Eric graciously loaned me his Heartfield until I could get my own, and, to my lasting surprise, I started to get "the bug." This instrument was a wild stallion that needed taming. Though the fretboard is similar, in contrast with the acoustic guitar, this adds a few...parameters:
And all of these have to be managed with extreme competence so that the required sound and playing styles can be switched between seamlessly on stage!
When I ordered my guitar, I was told it would be some time before it came in. Guitar Center said I could borrow one of my choosing, so I found one well-suited for church (see pic).
Finally, my Ibanez RG1570 arrived. Behold the Prescription for my midlife crisis:
The "glitter" comes from thousands of tiny blue and green slivers suspended in a deep-blue translucent finish and is amplified by the camera flash--not easy to capture in a photograph. They call it "mirage blue."